Calm, faithful, upright, open, incorrigibly optimistic and absolutely reliable. – This is how both friends and clients describe me. I love to absorb, learn and expand my horizons through travel, books, open eyes and ears. This inspiration always gives me new energy and it goes directly into the work with you and for you. Let’s get to know each other!
2023 Creative expert in the pool of creatives of the Cross Innovation Hub at Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
2023 Training as a systemic coach
2020 Birth of my son
since 2013 Full-time self-employment as art director for direct clients and all renowned Hamburg design agencies (see below)
since 2013 Lecturer at Freie Schule für Gestaltung in Hamburg
2012 – 2016 Student Fine Arts with a focus on theory and history at HFBK Hamburg – Master of Fine Arts
2010 – 2013 Senior designer at Paperlux Studio, Hamburg
2007 – 2013 Part-time self-employment
2006 – 2009 Designer at Ligalux, Hamburg
2009 – 2010 Student Editorial Design at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle – Master of Arts
2005 Student Communication Design at EASD, Valencia, Spain
2002 – 2006 Student Visual Communication at AKI ArtEZ University of the Arts in Enschede, The Netherlands – Bachelor of Design
Wie kann ein Zeichen für den Wert von Demokratie aussehen?, PAGE online
Porträt der Woche, PAGE online
Hätte ich das mal früher gewusst!, PAGE 10.2018
Portfolio des Monats, PAGE 06.2014
Buchbiografien, interview, a documentary by Heiko Volkmer
Was macht eigentlich ein Verlag?, mairisch blog
10 × Stadt, interview,
Mythos Designer sein, interview, Verlag hellblau
6 × Red Dot Award
3 × BCM Best of Content Marketing
3 × The Best German Book Design
2 × ADC Award
2 × German Design Award
Berliner Type
Corporate Design Preis
if Communication Design Award
Lead Award
Clients (Selection)
Clients you probably know
Audi, Büttenpapierfabrik Gmund, COR, Deutsche Glasfaser, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Goldene Kamera, dpa, Gewandhaus zu Leipzig, Greenpeace, Hermès, interlübke, Lanserhof, Mercedes-Benz, Montblanc, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Porsche, Schwarzkopf, Suhrkamp Verlag, Volkswagen, Walter Knoll, Wempe, Yello, ZDF
Clients you should know
Culturbooks, EAA Hamburg, European Film Promotion e.V., Iris Anemone Paul, JunaFilm, Karin Rocke, Luise Volkmann, mairisch Verlag, Motivity, Wochenender
Berichtsmanufaktur, Factor, fischerAppelt, Karl Anders, KNSK, Ligalux, Mutabor, Paperlux, Peter Schmidt Group, Tom Leifer Design
Exhibitions & Talks (Selection)
Make Some Noise!, Heart Directors Club, Reeperbahnfestival, Hamburg, 2022
außerhalb des Bücherregals, FETT6, Hamburg, 2016
Graphic Dialogue — A Trilateral Posters’ Retrospect, Kubrick Café, Hong Kong, China, 2016
Unvollende, Island, Hamburg, 2015
Just One Percent, designxport, Hamburg, 2014
You can’t touch this?, TYPO Berlin, 2013
Visual Leader, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, 2012
Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst, mit Martin Schwatlo, MK&G Hamburg, 2009